Thursday, November 26, 2020

Carob Fire Review : Greetins From Southern California and This is My Grow Taller Review :

 I have to say that since I have used Carob Fire Max, I feel

like a whole different person!

My name is Julia  Peterson, and I'm a 24-year-old

girl from Southern California, who will turn 25 inNovember.

Everytime I was at a restaurant with my family, people would reach trays and objects over my head as if I was THAT short! I always had to dream to be 5'9". And

after hard work on the Internet, my dreams were about to become true.....

About eight weeks ago, I was 5'1-1/2", while I was doing research, I found Carob Fire. I immediately showed it to my Mom, who was 4'11". We discussed it for a while, and after a lot of persuation, we agreed that shewould buy the Carob Fire for herself, fist, since she wasthe shortest, and if it would work, she would buy me another.

When the Carob Fire Max arrived, my mother could see my disappointed face, and said we would share it until one of us grew and get another CAROB FIRE POT.

When I first took CarobFire , I liked its taste, that I

wanted to have one more drink, as my mother, liked it too.

I grew 0.5 cm after 5 days, but was a little

suspicious. And my mother didn't grow at all. She told

me if she didn't grow in three weeks, she would give

up. But I told her it would work time after time.

After four weeks of regularly taking Carob Fire, we both

grew 2cm! For me it was a lot, and I could already

feel the difference in myself.

Now after eight weeks or so, I grew from 1,57cm (5'1")

to 161.5cm (5'3-1/2")! I was sooo glad! I can even

feel the difference when I look over our kitchen

counter, or try to reach up to the cabinettes! Now I

won't even need a stool to put dishes up!

...Now I know there is hope to become 5'9"! I would

suggest everyone who wants to become they're dream

height to take Carob Fire.  Everyone can experience the

feeling of Height increasement...Those of you who

already have Carbo Fire and didn't grow. Either you aren't

sticking to their directions , or aren't taking it

long enough! I would even bet my life that Carob Fire works!

Best Wishes,

Julia Peterson


  1. Wonderful product. It does work.

    1. seriously? Please Can I grow 10cm at 15?

    2. At your age you should take a kit of Carob Fire Plus to gain 10cm.

    3. can someone who used it tell me if it worked

  2. My age is 22 .so I can increase my height.i'm from many money perchased to product

    1. The company delivers in India. At your age 22, Carob fire does work. To contact the company, please send an email to : or Have a nice day !

  3. Everyone can u tell me about price

    1. Carob Fire Options :

      Carob Fire Big $899 USD
      6 Months Supply
      Free Express Shipping
      Carob Fire Plus $1599 USD
      6 Months Supply
      Free Express Shipping
      Carob Fire MAX $1999 USD
      6 Months Supply
      Free Express Shipping

    2. Your products delivery method please sir

    3. Please send an email to
